Digital Comrade is a leading multivendor ecommerce platform that serves hundreds of thousands of students in Kenyan colleges and universities. Over 1000 users access this platform on daily basis. It helps students to advertise, market and sell their products and services online to their colleagues. However, it’s not strictly for students only- anyone can advertise and sell on Digital Comrade. It’s simple and free
Sign-up & Login
The very first step to do is to create your Digital Comrade account. If you have not created one, click here to register . Click join now and select sign up with Google, Twitter or Github as you wish.

After signing up, you can login to access your account profile. You should see an interface like the one below. after first login, click the notification button in your top right and follow the instructions therein.

Advertising a service
This product is for merchants who do not deal with tangible goods. Create a banner/poster to displayed in our site and app. On your menu, select advertise and follow instructions therein

Selling product(s)
For those who wish to advertise tangible products like electronics, shoes or furniture, create your shop name so that products don’t appear with your personal name. To create your shop, click Sell > My shops

The next step should be setting your target audience. the audience in this case should be the campus/campuses you wish to sell to. You can choose country wide option if you can deliver orders countrywide within 4 working days as per our policy. Go to Sell > Market Configuration and enter them accordingly. Your products will only be visible to users within the areas you have selected

After creating shop name and setting target audience, you can now proceed and start uploading your products. Go to Sell > My products > Add New

Features/Benefits of selling on Digital Comrade App
- Access to a large audience with demand for trendy products: our platform has an average of 1000-3000 daily users majory the youth aged 18-25 years
- Post unlimited number of products. You can post as many products as you wish for FREE
- Traffic Analytics: we give you real time analysis of people who have viewed and clicked your products
- Realtime Notifications: When someone orders your product, we send you an sms and email instantly to connect you with your client in realtime
- Social media merketing automation: We have very efficient and powerful social media marketing tools. if you have business pages on Facebook and twitter, you can link the accounts with our system. The system will automatically post your products in those pages with juicy captions and tag top trends as often as you wish. this way, your ad will reach thousands of potential clients within minutes even if your pages doesn’t have followers.
- 24/7 customer support: our customer care team is available 24/7 : reach out to 0722854082/0729590095/0731702050 or engage our powerful bots on telegram here
- API Integration: we have a well documented REST API that allows merchants with existing system(Website, app or POS) to sync their stock on digital Comrade app. For example, if you have your own ecommerce site, you just install a plugin that will pull your stock from your site and post it on your digital comrade account automatically and sync any changes in real time