Home Opinion Core or Framework web development?

Core or Framework web development?


My friend and colleague Edwin Kuria will obviously tell you to go for Laravel(I call him Laravel’s brand ambassador ) . But according to St. Matata Gospel , I’d say, choose whatever you deem fit but as you might have heard before, choices have consequences.Let’s take a simple walk. Frameworks will help you develop a web application quickly and implement “out of the box” features with ease. They’ll further give you SEO friendly URLS but this is the price that frameworks come with in terms of performance . They have too many dependencies that you actually don’t need. Again, they rely on templating engines(e.g blade for Laravel) that means the codes have to be further translated into the native language before execution unlike in core language.

The worst happens when you host a PHP’s Laravel, Java’s Spring boot or python’s Django application in a shared hosting plan. It’s purely suicidal especially when the site has a relatively huge traffic.When you decide to write a web app in core language (in this case either raw python or core php), then you’ll have to pull the libraries you need from Github or develop your own custom libraries. If you’re smart enough, you can clean your URLs with .htaccess. But then don’t be in a hurry, it will take you a while before you complete the project.Many will take sides but let me be impartial and urge you to use a lightweight framework like Codeigniter/slim frameworks for php or flask for python. If you can afford a dedicated server package then you’re allowed to follow your heart

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