Home Opinion Don’t be excited that it works as expected

Don’t be excited that it works as expected


The greatest satisfaction of any developer or technology creator lies in the successful execution of his/her code without a single error. The feeling goes beyond my explanation when a developer reaches a stage where he/she writes a code which runs successfully without referring to any documentation or tutorials.

Now that it works what next? It reaches a point in life of a developer where you shouldn’t be excited that your code runs successfully and you start worrying about the EFFICIENCY and SCALABILITY of your application.Your application will behave differently when loaded with different sets of data. The fact that you’re fetching a record from 40 rows in a database in seconds doesn’t mean it will be the same in when you’re doing so from 40million records. If your app serves 20 users comfortably, have you ever asked yourself what will happen if you had 20000 users accessing your system at a go?

After perfecting your coding skills, Learn data structures , algorithms and think. For instance, in case of a structured database engine, why should you select columns that you’re not going to use?

~Think safety. Now that it works, how secure is it? Make it dynamic and fun. Create API endpoints to allow your application to communicate with external systems

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