We host up-to date Residential Database for most if not all residential houses around campuses in Kenya. We provide features, 3 high resolution images,verified contacts for Landlords/Care takers and reviews from current/former tenants. It's simple and Free to find your next perfect place on Digital Comrade app
You need to create Digital Comrade account before you can access our services.Click the link below to get started(choose sign up with Google option)
Create accountOnce you have signed into your Digital Comrade account, you can now search your desired house. Don't forget to review/rate the accuracy of our information
Search vacant houseIf you are in a position to support this project, Kindly support us with any amount ranging from KES 10 - KES 1,000 so that we can make this platform better. Thank you in advance
Donate to usCAMPUSES
Most searched/viewed residentials
Chebarus, Moi University
Moi University
Chebarus, Moi University
Stage, Moi University
Moi University
We can transact on your behalfChebarus, Moi University
Stage, Moi University
Chebarus, Moi University
Nyawita, Maseno University
"Digital Comrade is an open project that provides comrades in Kenya with Open online marketplace(peer to peer buying and selling),residential house search,Locating service providers around campuses,ICT consultancy services among other servives-all free of charge.
You can support us in many ways like donations,reviewing and rating houses,products and merchants in our platform,correcting/reporting any inaccurate or misleading information in our platform or sending suggestions on how we make this platform a better place.We value your contribution. Thank you "
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Remarks and feedback
This is a very good initiative that will transform lives of Comrades. I love it
I've been using this platform for the last 2 semesters and it's a very innovative project that has made life in campus more interesting than ever before