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What is the Function of The Tiny Hole Next to Charging Port in your phone?See its function


When you look at your phone, you might wonder what some of the features are for. This happens, and you should never let your guard down. Don’t block the black hole when it’s on your phone because it has multiple functions. Take a look at the roles it plays.
The hole features a microphone, which is useful not only for phone calls but also for video recording. Some sound-related programs, such as the video recorder, vlc, sound recorder, and boom play, rely on it to work. The person calling you may not be able to hear you clearly if you block or meddle with it. Even if today’s phones have multiple microphones, don’t put yours at risk because you might have vandalized it by interfering with the hole.

To the person calling you, the hole makes your voice more clear. That’s why it’s on the bottom of the phone, next to your mouth, rather than on the top. Sound waves pass through it and are amplified even more for the person you’re speaking with. It may be clogged with dust and wax, muffling the caller’s voice. If you clean it up, your microphone will return to normal.
The hole also contains a noise-canceling microphone, which reduces the amount of unwanted noise that enters your ears. Noise is an unwelcome sound that can sometimes disrupt your tranquility while calling. As a result, any noises from around you will be absorbed by the hole. Don’t destroy it; rather, keep it in good condition and appreciate it.

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Joshua Muimi
Am a passionate journalist ready to educate and inform the society under any circumstances. PR consultant, photographer and an ardent writer.